Sunday, March 13, 2011

In Kenora

I've got photos to share, and i promise they will all be right side up. I'll write a caption or some info below the pic. You should be able to click on the the pictures for a bigger version of the shot, feel free to steal them and claim them as your own.

Maybe/maybe not local blueberry jam and triangle buns for breakfast. Now i have to say to everyone out there who is eco aware, i did find my traveler coffee mug today and i will be delighted to be using it tomorrow.

See Lauren knew where her coffee mug was and she was able to use it at our visit to the town's namesake, Kakabeka Falls. I think the hot coffee and the awesome sight that is the gorge, made her very happy.
We saw the falls two years ago and there was not as much ice then. Today only a little bit of the falls were exposed the rest was under a huge sheet of ice. We tried to imagine what it would look like the moment the spring thaw succeeds and the ice breaks, i think we are many weeks away from that happening.

One day when we get our desktop computer delivered in Whitehorse, we'll make these photos into hopefully really nice panoramics.

Lunch break and seat switch at the only scenic lookout that we have been able to access as of yet. The salmon tasted even better then it looks. I felt lucky to be the recipient of this meal.

Cameal Sinclair, our tour guide to Sioux Lookout. Thanks Cameal for showing us that small town life is engaging and very very walkable. Thank you also for the great hugs and encouraging chats.

What's that smell, did you fart? oh crap, that is Dryden. People, don't waste paper. Some folks have to live beside paper mills that make their towns smell like rancid farts.

We entered the land of Sunset Country just in time for these shots. The last two are Lauren's and they are the last two pictures of the day. Tomorrow i think we're hiking.

Good night everyone, 



  1. Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. I haven't seen Kakabeka Falls in 17 years. Enjoy your hike today.

  2. That's my post Colin and Lauren.

  3. Hi Colin & Lauren,
    Sounds like you are having a great trip. What a wonderful experience. I am enjoying the pictures and following your adventures. Keep safe.

    Carolyn & Roy

  4. Hiya... according to our in-house map expert (aka Dad), I think you have officially driven further NW than Nassau in SE! Great photos, the sunset was gorgeous.

    Later, love

  5. Your cartographer extraordinaire is right.

    As the raven flies (Yukon's territorial bird), Toronto is 2200kms away from Nassau, Bahamas.

    We have driven 3137 kms up to today.

    So in essence, we arrived in the Bahamas about 10 minutes after we crossed the Manitoba.

    Canada is big eh.

