Friday, August 26, 2011

...And we're off!

Hopefully it's obvious that the lack of blog posts lately means that we are having a great time outdoors. LK and JP are back from Kluane, our camping gear and coffee makers are packed up, and we are all finishing a delicious breakfast of eggs and arugula. We'll be in Dawson tonight, somewhere along the Dempster highway on Saturday night, and in Inuvik, NWT on Sunday!

When we return to computer-land, we have tons to share from the last week about chicken harvesting, bike joring, friendly neighbours, and a guest blog post, :)

Bye for now,
Love Lauren and Colin

1 comment:

  1. Wow that picture made me want to instantly grab some paint and a canvas. Who took that one?
    Happy Trails to Inuvik. John & Deb
