Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Long weekend photos

Midnight moon

The delphiniums are still going strong

After re-arranging, we're back to having a sofa in the kitchen :)
Cookie circle!

Surveying his domain

Hi pups!

Friendly greeting

Smiley's getting more jumpy, reminding us that she needs her front nails clipped 

Cookie's home sweet home

Smiley's still-unused home


  1. We absolutely LOVE your postings! Without a doubt, your photos depicting the raw beauty of the Yukon and the local flora + fauna are immensely pleasurable, but we enjoy the pix of your every-day life in Mt Lorne the best...and of course, the girls! Keep 'em coming!

  2. Hi Lauren & Colin
    Have had to backtrack over the blog since we had a guest for almost a month and found so much for my morning visit with you. I know Lauren and JP are there at last and you are all catching up and looking forward to an adventure together. What fun what fun!! Hope the weather will be good for the trip.

    By the way I think the couch in the kitchen is a perfect location...had one there myself once. Now about the sour toe thing...not sure I could stomach that nor is on my list of things to do before I die but bravo toe drinkers!

    Wow if I could get my delfs to grow as well I'd be happy as a bee in pollen. Must be a beautiful sight to see. You are lucky.

    Happy Trails on the holiday everyone.

    LOL Deb & John
