Saturday, January 28, 2012

Preparing and doing

Hi all,

It has been a good week here, and this Saturday morning is no exception. It was cold to start out with (-32 without the windchill), but is now warming up and comfortable and crisp for playing outside. The forest around our place is pretty deep with snow in some parts, and it's a light and fluffy snow all the way to the ground, so that it feels like you are wading in water when walking off the packed-down trails.

In preparation for enjoying the cold weather a bit more, I've just invested in what I think will end my deliberations on how to keep my feet warm:

A company out of Minnesota makes these mukluks with moosehide and canvas, with wool liners and insoles and a rubber sole. The design makes sense- the flexible sole allows the foot muscles to work more, keeping the warm blood flowing, compared to a rigid-soled boot that keeps a thick piece of frozen rubber against the bottom of the foot and doesn't bend at all.

I'm still working on the ideal jacket situation. Here are some ideas:

Yukon parka, available in
second hand shops, or 

Long down-filled parka, or

Anorak made by Midnight Mushing
in Fairbanks AK

We have been up to mostly indoor pursuits this week including,
- a yoga class at the local Golden Horn elementary school, taught by a physio colleague,
- an Arctic Winter Games meetings to prepare for the dog mushing events taking place at our community centre, and
- a meeting for new members of the Mt Lorne Volunteer Fire Department (with some outdoor time to check out one of the trucks that is parked outside) and trouble shoot a huge gas powered fan that is not working the way it should.

Time to  head outside to play Explorers! with Cookie and Smiley (you'll see!)

Bye for now,

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