Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sunny Wednesday and a the scent of pineapple in the air

Holy Raven (we don't have crows here), this place is beautiful.

We have been enjoying a few days of sunny, warm weather in Whitehorse and Mt. Lorne this last week or so, and although we are still covered by a few feet of snow in most places, there are hints of spring in the air. For example, this week marked the first time since October we have been able to see a few square feet of bare wood on our snow-covered backyard deck. Also, the evening sun is starting to creep into our getting-ready-for-bed time. The sky is that beautiful dark blue colour a little after 9pm, and will be moving later and later for another 3 months - which is a bit wild to think about. I think our days are getting to be about 5 minutes longer each day. Maybe next week Lauren will need to get her sunglasses on for the 7:30am drive into work; yesterday morning the sun was getting close to cresting the mountain as we carpooled in with a neighbour.

This week has also marked by the addition of a new member of our family, and it has been a long time coming - we picked up our third-hand and very experienced canoe! This canoe has already done a few of the trips that we want to take, including the paddle downstream from Whitehorse to Dawson City - we are getting goose bumps thinking about the possibility of getting some Yukon River experience this summer. There is a little bit of work to do on the canoe before that, but it is all preventative, and will hopefully extend the life of the newest O'Barrett. We are expecting to be able to put it through a bit of abuse and rough treatment as we are perfecting our white water skills.

What else is going on up here? Oh yes the Bluegrass Brunch event was a huge success. I was asked to do a radio interview on our local CBC channel which aired on Thursday, which was lucky because we sold out on Friday. There were 70 seats set up in the hall at the Lorne Mountain Community Centre, and the meal that we made with Agnes was very well received. Then when the band started playing, everyone was on the edge of their seats. The band did a super job and I think they played 3 encores. Here is the song that was played on CBC after the interview

Tonight we are headed out for dinner in town with Kim at a great little place called Burnt Toast (they do a weekend breakfast that is worth waking up for, even if you drank a little too much the night before). After the meal, we are headed to the Yukon Arts Centre to see Royal Wood. However, before the show in the main hall of the Arts Centre, there is a martini bar including live piano music. Royal Wood has a trademark clean-cut image and is always wearing a tie. I'm guessing, to celebrate his sense of style and his trip up to Yukon, the Arts Centre folks have been placing ties all over town, on street lights, on notice boards, over door handles. It is a funny sight.

Oh shoot it is closing time (I'm writing during my shift at the Yukon Made Store). Got to go.

Miss you Ontario, and all you wonderful people.

PS.  It was on our way home when while we were talking about our days and enjoying the glow of a great concert that I realized that I did not explain the pineapple scent in the air. On days when the winds are coming from the south, old timer sourdoughs will tell you they can smell the "Pineapple Express". It is on these days that the warm winds are coming off the pacific from Hawaii, and if you are a true Yukoner, you can smell pineapples in the air. Good night all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi L & C
    Can't believe a year has come and gone already.Congratulations on all you have done and achieved in the Yukon. Have read over the March blog cause I'm behind but never far. Gardening has kept me busy in March, crazy as that sounds. The life you live is way too interesting to miss out on blogs for long. I'm glad touches of spring are in the air there too. We all need that sense of renewal feeling. You'll have some adventures ahead with your new canoe and all the visitors..definitely something to look forward too. Happy Bunny Day as it fast approaches.
    Deb & John
