Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We've arrived!

Wow oh wow oh wow! We have been in Whitehorse for about an hour, and it is awesome so far. Our apartment looks onto a foresty hill, and to our surprise, we have internet and phone (email if you'd like the phone number!). Our first efforts were to skype family (Colin) and make the bed with our own sheets and quilt (Lauren). We're going to get a few more things from the car, including a bottle of champagne, and then go explore our new home! It is light out until about 8.30 now, and the days will just keep getting longer :)




  1. Cailey and StephenThursday, March 31, 2011

    Woohoo! Best of luck on your new awesome adventure, can't wait to see pictures!

  2. WoW indeed. Did you manage to get a total distance traveled? My guess is 8729.7 km

  3. Yippee! I'm so excited that you are there and that it's obviously measuring up for you! That's so awesome! As Cailey said above - can't wait to see pics. I'm living a vicarious adventure through your blog right now :) xoxoxoxoxoxo

  4. Congrats, guys! Keep up the has made my morning commute exciting! Pictures, please!! Best of luck and warm wishes for you both in your new home.

    - Amber
