Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Evening hike

Last night we went for a hike along Miles Canyon in the Yukon River. Wow!

Miles Canyon is a neat place, and is home to Canyon City- the remains of where the prospectors camped and tried to boost up their courage before going down the river rapids that used to flow through the canyon (the dam changed that). We didn't know exactly where to look for the old stuff, but we'll be back soon. Sooner than later, actually, since we will be living in Mt Lorne come June! It's not official yet, but the landlord called yesterday and was interested in moving things along and meeting with us next week to sign paperwork. Yahoo!

The last photo was taken on our way home, at 10pm. When we were finally getting into bed, closer to 11pm, the sky was still so light that we had to roll down the blackout curtains!

Hope you have a great day,
Lauren and Colin


  1. Awesome pics! Miss you so much though :(
    ((((HUGS))))) Love, Heather G.

  2. Great pics.

  3. Fantastic Pics! Looks like you are settling in nicely.
    "the sky was still so light that we had to roll down the blackout curtains" It's only going to get brighter. Well, for the next 7 weeks anyway! :-)

  4. Rob and AndreaTuesday, May 10, 2011

    That water is wicked blue. They downstream from copper mine tailings?
